László Kozma


Email address: kozma@cs.uni-saarland.de
About | Research | Projects | Misc. | Blog


I am a researcher in computer science, interested in data structures, algorithms, combinatorics, and other related (and unrelated) topics. Since 2018 I work as an assistant professor at Freie Universität Berlin, in the Theoretical Computer Science group (semi-official page).

I obtained my PhD at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, where my advisor was Raimund Seidel. Afterwards I spent a year as a postdoc at Tel Aviv University, hosted by Haim Kaplan and Yossi Azar, and a year at TU Eindhoven, hosted by Nikhil Bansal. A long time ago I worked and/or studied at Helsinki University of Technology (later renamed Aalto University), and TU Cluj in Romania, where I'm actually from. Below you can find links to my research work and some fun projects I work(ed) on.


(recent and representative work — here is a more complete list with summaries, slides, and other links)

(Old) projects


Books I've read recently around 2015

mmvii-mmxxiv László Kozma < kozma@cs.uni-saarland.de >
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